Monday, April 5, 2010

Weighing In

So, my liquid diet for the last two weeks was not filled with much variety. I had lots of Jello, sugar free popsicles, crystal light, broth and protein drinks. Not much in the flavor department. I think that my most flavorful beverage of choice was my V8 juice. It did what it needed to do though. I had a weigh in at my surgeons office and I lost approximately 16 lbs. over these past two weeks.

My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I need to leave at 4:30 am for a check in time of around 5:30 am. It is going to be an early day. I still have a few things to do before tomorrow, but wanted to keep everyone updated. I have also decided to post before and after pictures (even though it pains me to do so). I will post new photos each month. That should be interesting. Wish me luck!!


Sarah said...

Prayers for you! You're looking awesome. :-D

Deb said...

With that kind of success before the surgery, just imagine the success after! Thanks for sharing your journey!

Crystal N. Lewis said...

I am praying for the me if you ever need to talk...good luck...